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Sunday, October 6, 2024

WISH Rules & Explanations


                                                             WISH RULES


ex. I wish to go - nu se foloseste foarte des acest tip de exprimare. De obicei folosim verbul want in loc de wish


Obs. Cand trebuie sa folosim verbul BE, indiferent de persoana, forma WERE este preferata chiar si in cazul persoanelor I si a III-a singular. 
ex. I wish I were you - as vrea sa fiu in locul tau.
She wishes she were him - ea isi doreste sa fie in locul lui

They wish [that este eliptic, de obicei ] they had a big house - ei isi doresc sa aiba o casa mare
He wishes he went to the beach - isi doreste sa se duca la plaja.


I wish I hadn`t made that blunder at the party last night - Imi doresc sa nu fi facut acea gafa seara trecuta, la petrecere / la petrecerea de seara trecuta

She wishes he had helped her two days ago - ea isi doreste ca el s-o fi ajutat cu 2 zile in urma [ dar n-a facut-o - past regret ]


Se foloseste pentru:

a. FUTURE EVENTS [ evenimente in viitor];

I wish you would help me as soon as possible - future event.

He wishes she would be home tomorrow. - future event.

I wish you wouldn`t make so much noise at night - annoying situation [ situatie deranjanta / suparatoare ]


I wish you could help me with my homework WISH Rules & Explanations

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Verb *Wish*, Exercise 3



Choose the correct answer:

1. I wish our team ______ .
did win                  had won                    has won

2. If only I ______ the guitar!
   can play                 will play            could play

3. I wish I ______ a million dollars.
   have             will have        had

4. If only we ______ the wrong road!
 hadn't taken      had taken          haven't taken

5. I wish they ______ us they were coming early.
 had told          have told                  did tell

6. If only you ______ how to swim when you were younger!
 have learned       will learn            had learned

7. I wish we ______ that house.
   will buy            could buy                bought

8. I wish you ______ how surprised she was.
   could have seen           saw               have seen

9. I wish that warbler ______ closer so I could get a picture.
   would come       will come                has come

10. If only it ______ raining!
   can stop               will stop              would stop

11. They wish their neighbors ________ singing at night.
    could stop          stopped               would stop

12. She is lonely. She wishes she________more people.
meet                    met                     had met
13. I wish I didn`t have to go to work on Saturday.
This refers to the future    /  This refers to the past

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Test 1


Choose the right answer: 

I'm going to meet... professor James.
an;  b) the;  c) a;  d) –

The little boy feared lest he ... punished by his mother. 
would be; b) should be;  c) could be;  d) were

Our advice was for them ... until the morning came. 
wait;  b) to wait;  c) should wait;  d) waited

May I suggest that you ... your mind? 
make up;  b) would make up; c) made up;  d) shall make up

Her only wish was that her children ... there for some more time.
 a] would be       b] could be      
 c] being              d] should be

I'd rather you ... mention it to my parents.
haven't;  b) will not; c) didn't;  d) don't

If only you ... me earlier! 
a) have told;  b) told;  c) had told;  d) would tell

Even if they ... ready, nothing would have changed.
a) were;  b) would be;  c) are;  d) had been

I wish you ... leaving! 
a) aren't;  b) weren't;  c) wasn't;  d) wouldn't be.

I wish I ... better for the exams! 
a) study;  b) had studied;  c) would study;  d) have studied

... he to agree to our proposal, we could go on with the project.
a) Was;  b) Is;  c) Were; d) Would

In this forest there are many .... 
a) wolves; b) wolfves;  c) wolfes

It is only fair that you ... the truth.
a) knew;  b) may know;  c) would know;  d) should know

Why ... the bus now? 
a) don't get on;  b) not get on;  c) not to get on;  d) not getting on

All the ... were covered with snow. 
a) roofvs;  b) roves;  c) roofs; d) roofes

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Test 14


                                         TESTING ENGLISH GRAMMAR

Choose the correct sentence:

I don`t mind to help you.                           
I don`t mind helping you.

She has many toys, hasn`t she?                   
She has many toys, doesn`t she?

I have to do some essays today, don`t I?     
I have to do some essays today, haven`t I?

It`s high time you do it.                               
It`s high time you did it.

How many information have you got?        
How much information have you got?

A lot of phenomenons happened here.         
A lot of phenomena happened here.

We can`t risk going there.                           
We can`t risk to go there.

She got home at 4 a.m. in the morning. The party mustn`t have been really good.
She got home at 4 a.m. in the morning. The party must have been really good.

She`d rather go home than stay here, hadn`t she?
She`d rather go home than stay here, wouldn`t she?

I would prefer to go home now.                      
I would prefer going home now.

He`d better see a doctor, wouldn`t he?            
He`d better see a doctor, hadn`t he?

If I`ll have time, I will go to the movie.           
If I have time, I will go to the movie.

Had you been here yesterday, I could help you.
Had you been here yesterday, I could have helped you.

Unless you go home now, you`ll be punished.
Unless you don`t go home now, you`ll be punished.

He needn`t go out, need he?                       
He needn`t go out, does he?

She can barely speak, can`t she?                 
She can barely speak, can she?

Somebody has to help him, don`t they?     
Somebody has to help him, haven`t they?

Bad news don`t make people happy.          
Bad news doesn`t make people happy.
All their money is in the bank.                   
All their money are in the bank.

That information was very good.               
Those information were very good.

She is always making noise at night.           
She always makes noise at night.

Do you know where is the station?              
Do you know where the station is?

It was worth to do it.                                    
It was worth doing it.

She was trying to cook something when he entered the kitchen.
She tried to cook something when he entered the kitchen.

Mary is the tallest of the two girls.                  
Mary is the taller of the two girls.

He warned me to not touch that wire.             
He warned me not to touch that wire.

He gripped his brother`s arm lest he should fall.
He gripped his brother`s arm lest he shouldn`t fall.

This is the first time I have done all the shopping.
This is the first time I did all the shopping.

I lay in bed for a while.                     
I laid in bed for a while.

I made all the necessary arrangements.         
I did all the necessary arrangements.

Justice has been made.                      
Justice has been done.

The President Trump was elected some time ago.
President Trump was elected some time ago.

How long have you been lieying to them?
How long have you been lying to them?

She has quitted smoking many times.               
She has quit smoking many times.

That man has dived for an hour.
That man has diven for an hour.

She has threw all the garbage this morning. 
She has thrown all the garbage this morning.

I laid on the sofa all day yesterday.                 
I lay on the sofa all day yesterday.

She wishes she knew the answer yesterday.
She wishes she had known the answer yesterday.

If only they were here with me now, but they are not.
If only they had been here with me now, but they are not.

She would like to go to the seaside.       
She would like going to the seaside.

Lucy is the most beautiful girl of the two.
Lucy is the more beautiful girl of the two.

It is the first time  did my homework.
It is the first time I have done my homework.

The reception was a success. The organizers did a good job.
The reception was a success. The organizers made a good job.

If only I hadn`t made that blunder at the party last night.
If only I didn`t make that blunder at the party last night.

What will happen if I will push this button?
What will happen if I push this button?

You keep interrupting me. I wish you didn`t do that. / I wish you wouldn`t do that.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Test 15


1.Which sentence is NOT correct?
This is the news. There has been an earthquake in Japan.
This is the news. There has just been an earthquake in Japan.
This is the news. There has been an earthquake in Japan last night.  

2.Which question follows this statement? ‘I’ve been to New York.’
Really? When did you go? 
Really? When have you gone?  
Really? When you have gone?   

3.Complete the sentence.
‘I ____ out last Friday.’
 have gone   
 didn’t go   
 haven’t been   

4.Which sentence is NOT correct?
He’s recently got a new job in Frankfurt.
Alan has just arrived.
I’ve bought a new mobile phone two days ago.  

5.Which word can complete the sentence?
   I haven’t seen him ____.
    last night  

6.Which word CANNOT go in the space?
I’ve _____ spoken to James about the meeting.

7.Which words complete the sentence?
I _______ Helen since we _______ at school together.
‘ve known / were   know
were   knew / ‘ve been   
knew / have been

8.Which sentence is true?
My parents have lived in Canada for three years.
They used to live in Canada but now they live somewhere else.
They still live in Canada now.   
They used to live in Canada but now they are dead.   

9.Which words can complete the sentence below?
I’ve telephoned Mike ___________.
three times last week   
three times this week 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Modal Verbs, Test 3


Choose the correct answer
1. Sally looks worried . She MUST HAVE / COULD HAD a problem with something.

2. Bob CAN’T BE / MUSTN`T  HAVE BEEN at school because I haven’t seen him all day .

3. I COULD HAVE LENT / MUST HAVE LENT you the money. Why didn’t you ask me?

4. Mr Travis hasn’t come to work yet. He has never been late for work. He CAN`T HAVE MISSED / MUST HAVE MISSED the bus.

5. She knew everything about our plans. She MUST HAVE LISTENED / CAN HAVE LISTENED to our conversation.

6. A: Will you come to my birthday party tomorrow afternoon ?
    B : I’m sorry but I CAN’T COME / SHOULDN`T COME because I have to look after my sister.

7. Timmy is a very good boy. He isn’t naughty, so he CAN’T HAVE BROKEN / MUST NOT HAVE BROKEN that window.

8. The street is wet this morning . I’m not sure but it SHOULD HAVE RAINED / MIGHT HAVE RAINED last night.

9. She COULD SING / CAN SING like an angel when she was a child.

10. A : I talked to your science teacher yesterday.
      B : You CAN’T HAVE TALKED / MUST HAVE TALKED to her because she wasn’t at school yesterday.

11. Mrs White bought a new fur coat ! - She COULD HAVE WON / MUST HAVE WON the lottery.

12. He came home alone yesterday. You SHOULDN’T HAVE LET / COULD NOT HAVE LET him do that.

13. He read the message but he CAN`T UNDERSTAND / COULDN’T UNDERSTAND it.

14. The singer has got a sore throat so she CAN’T SING / COULDN`T SING at the concert.

15. It MUST HAVE BEEN / MIGHT HAVE BEEN Jack I saw in the park yesterday, but I’m not sure about it.

16. We can’t wait any longer. Something MUST BE DONE / MAY BE DONE at once.

17. Everyone shouted in fear. They MUST HAVE BEEN / MUST BE very afraid.

18. A : I’m afraid Ted is watching TV again.
      B : He CAN’T BE WATCHING / MUSTN`T BE WATCHING TV because his room is completely silent and dark.

19. He MUST BE SLEEPING  / CAN BE SLEEPING. He is not in the living room.

20. I can’t find my book . I MUST HAVE LEFT IT / MUST LEAVE IT on the bus.

21. She CAN’T BE / MUST BE stupid. She teaches maths at the university

22. She MUSTN’T GO / MUSTN`T HAVE GONE to school. It’s Saturday.

23. You were stupid to go skiing here. You COULD HAVE BROKEN / MUST HAVE BROKEN a leg.

24. He looked so tired when I saw him. He MUST HAVE WORKED / COULD HAVE WORKED so hard.

24. Tom CAN’T HAVE WRITTEN / SHOULDN`T HAVE WRITTEN this because it is in French and Tom doesn’t speak French.

25. They MUST HAVE LEFT / CAN HAVE LEFT in the morning. They are not here now.

26.  I MUST BE / CAN BE tired; I `ve worked too much.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Subjunctive, Exercise 1


1.  It is very important that all employees _______________ in their proper uniforms before 6:30 a.m.
are dressed
will be dressed
be dressed

2.  I wish my brother _________ here.

3.  The coach insisted that Fabio _______ the center position, even though he's much too short for that position..

4.  Evelyn  suggested that the meeting _______________.
was cancelled
be cancelled

5.  If only Jim ______ a little more responsible in his choice of courses!

6.  If Mrs. Lincoln ________ ill that night, the Lincolns would not have gone to Ford Theater.
had been

7.  Her employees treated Mrs. Greenblat as though she _______ a queen.

8.  If his parents ____________ more careful in his upbringing, Holden Caulifield would have been quite different.
had been

9.  I wish I _________ better today.

10. She wishes you_________so much noise all the time.
wouldn`t make
hadn`t made